The Cure: Give me a sign Roskilde




Open air festivals are a nightmare to be recorded and back on a those days it seems was even worst, said that you can imagine quality of the audio wasn’t the best, plus the performance wasn’t good neither, they sound really tired in special after A Forest when the promoter’s crew asked for one step back or the band wouldn’t  return.



Song list


1.     Shake Dog Shake, Play For Today, Secrets, Primary, Cold, The Hanging Garden, Inbetween Days, Charlotte Sometimes, Let's Go To Bed, The Walk, One Hundred Years, Give Me It, A Forest, Three Imaginary Boys, Boys Don't Cry

2.     M, The Baby Screams, 10.15 Saturday Night, Killing An Arab, Forever



Audience recording, Quality -8


Live at Festivalpladsen, Roskilde Festival, Roskilde, Denmark. 28.06.85